{{tag>bash shortcuts}} ====== Bash shortcuts ====== ^ Shortcut ^ Command ^ | ''Ctrl'' + ''a'' | Go to the beginning of line. | | ''Ctrl'' + ''e'' | Go to the end of line. | | ''Ctrl'' + ''_'' | Undo | | '':up:'' or ''Ctrl'' + ''p'' | Previous command | | ''Ctrl'' + ''r'' | Search previous command | | ''Ctrl'' + ''x'', ''Ctrl'' + ''e'' | Open editor to edit the current command | | ''Ctrl'' + ''k'' | Cut from cursor to end of line | | ''Ctrl'' + ''u'' | Cut from cursor to beginning of line | | ''Ctrl'' + ''y'' | Paste | ====== Bash aliases ====== ^ Shortcut ^ Command ^ | ll | long listing | | la | long listing, inclunding hidden files | | dcu | start containers. must be in a dir with a docker-compose.yml file | | dcd | stop containers. must be in a dir with a docker-compose.yml file | | ta | tmux attach | | gis | git status | | git | git log | | git | git log | See: * [[https://blog.ssdnodes.com/blog/cheatsheet-bash-shortcuts/|Bash Cheatsheet]] * bind -P | grep "can be found" | sort | awk '{printf "%-40s", $1} {for(i=6;i<=NF;i++){printf "%s ", $i}{printf"\n"}}' * man bash