here add your new domain
Record Rules /
==== 1- definitions: =====
* Conditions that records must satisfy for an operation (create, read, update or delete) to be allowed.
* Boolean fields (read, write, create, delete) of ir.rule mean Apply this rule for this kind of operation.
* Mechanisms to manage or restrict access to data.
* Make use of domain to specify which records can be selected.
===== 2- There are two types of Record Rule: =====
Global rules and group rules
- (rules restricted to specific groups VERSUS groups applying to all users)
===== 3- A record rule has: =====
* Name
* Model on which it applies
* Set of user groups to which the rule applies, if no group is specified the rule is global
* Domain used to check whether a given record matches the rule (and is accessible) or does not (and is not accessible).
here add your new domain
===== Domain examples: =====
Group : Sales / User: Own Documents Only
This mean:
- user can access just to his own orders / quotations .
- orders with no specific user .
Group : Sales / User: All Documents
This will grant access to ALL Sales Orders / Quotations.